Trev is quite the character these days! A few cute quotes, not to be forgotten....
Me :Trev, want to take a bath?
Trev: The opposite of bath is no bath (he seems to really "get" the concept of an opposite- hmmm).
Another funny one happened while reading in bed one AM. We were reading an ABC book and I tried to skip N b/c it was a dumb picture.
Trev says, "Mommy we missin' N, N is for Narwhale."
Whiteface Lodge
Nana and Papa took us to Whiteface Lodge this past weekend. It was a lovely hotel and, of course, a lot of beauty around it as well. We enjoyed the outdoor, heated pool so much-- esp Trev! The hike up Mt Joe was just right too! Thanks for the trip guys!
At the top
First big hike w Trevor. Hats off to Jay who carried the wiggle worm up some serious rocks! A lot of fun:)