Say Zoolander

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Happa...taking it all in

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Then to the A's.........

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The 3rd xmas of the day was at Happa and Gram A's!

We really do love one another; even if we do drive eachother crazy:)

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I'm so happy!

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This wedding portrait was a very special gift!

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Flying baby

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Cute one guys!

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Uncle Caleb and Megan

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Uncle Travis, dreaming of when he was the cute little boy that got allthe attention....I even kinda stole his name (ha ha ha).

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The original Mr.T

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The waiting....

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Come on Auntie Mere, work that screw driver

I tried so hard to look my best today....

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but I kept getting slimy...oh well.

Over the river and thru the woods to Nana's house we went

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Once at Nana's the spoiling continued as demonstrated here as I open my SECOND "Learning Groove Table."

Sugar high

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Too much xmas? I think I'm in a food coma.... WHo gave me this candy cane anyway? I don't think I'm even supposed to have this. I bet it was Daddy.

Grandpa Santa

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I love you!

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A book from Uncle Ron

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Tool time

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Come on already, I can multi-task

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We had to wait until I ate my bfast to open gifts-- the things we kids put up with.

Baby's First Christmas

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The haul

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Here are most of the presents from Trevor's first xmas. His main present from Jay and I was the Britax carseat. We are so blessed and thankful to all of our family and friends. Thank you for all of the gifts and memories. xoxox

My toy bench from Nana

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Boys will be boys

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Ben: "Wow, this Star Wars is spaceship is's is so old, like from the 80's....Owen, want to go upstairs and battle."

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Great Gram and Will

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Great Gram and Riley

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Jump right in guys

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As you can see, I had a lot of help opening my first Christmas gift from Great Gram and Gram. Faith, Ben, Will, Owen, and Riley were anxious to see what was inside of my box. This was one to really wet your pants over!

I had a lot of help opening my first present!

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Never can find my, "thing of beauty" when I really need it.

But wait, there's more

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Mommy and Me

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Mom's jerry-rigging at its best.

Let's keep movin'

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I liked being pulled around a lot but I was not too happy about stopping for a photo session.

Sleigh ride

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nana great gram uncle jack great gramps aunt nancy

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they were given a special picture of each of them as children

Two birds, one stone

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I scare the cat away when I jump too loudly. It is a very fun game for both of us:)

Here Kitty

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Hi Santa!

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I saw Santa for the first time today after having brunch at Glen Loch. Daddy took us out with his work friends Lee and Matt. Matt also brought his wife Devon and his son Grant. After brunch we went to Target and I got my big boy car seat along with a few toys to put under our tree. Thank you Daddy for a fun day!

I like this guy!

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Waiting for Santa

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Fat guy in a little coat

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I love Chris Farley!

Everson w Aunt Mere and Nana

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Nana took us to The Everson to see the xmas decs. The museum used to have a "tree show" this time of year but it is not set up like it used to be (now it is only a few trees and decs scattered throughout the museum). Despite the change, we had a nice time walking through and looking around. Nana also wanted to take us to see the big tree in Clinton Sq but we settled for a drive-by viewing b/c it seemed too cold to walk around. After driving around the square, we went over to Spaghetti Warehouse for dinner. Thank you Nana for such a special winter outing! xoxo

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