Dancing with Daddy

Dancing with Daddy, originally uploaded by julchap.

Daddy thought it was so funny to make me dance around half naked.

15 minutes on The Erie Canal

CIMG0469, originally uploaded by julchap.

On Sunday AM, July 29th, we took a short walk on The Canal path. We did not last long b/c Mommy was too hot and had to go to the BR (and I bet you thought it was my fault the walk was short). After walking, we went to G and G A's pool to cool off. Later that day, I took my first trip to the grocery store.

My First Trip to Skaneateles

CIMG0464, originally uploaded by julchap.

I went to G'pa Chapman's camp on Skan today for the 1st time. Despite humidity and bugs, I was very content to be relaxing lake-side. Aunt Ella and Daddy played Chess and swam. Auntie Janet was here visiting from Fire Island; as usual she was a dose of positive energy.

Bye Daddy

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My Daddy and I were sad this AM b/c we have to be apart till Thrs. What will I do with out my Best Buddy? My 2AM feeding guy? Mommy can do it with Nana's help but it won't be the same without my Dad. We miss you and love you. Thank you for all that you do for us! You have worked so hard for our family and we never forget it. xoxoxoxo

1st Swing

1st swing, originally uploaded by julchap.

I used my swing for the 1st time today. My Mom wasn't sure if I could hold my head up enough for it but she got desperate and gave it a try (I cried a lot this afternoon). With some rolled up receiving blankets, I had enough head and lat support to rock away:)

My Nana Beth

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My Nana Beth, as she'd like to be called, has taken such good care of me and my Mom. Since our rocky start 9 mos. ago, she has helped us with all that she has and loved us with all of her heart. Once I was born, she brought us food, supplies, clothes, and all kinds of things that we needed for our new place. If it fit, she would give me the shirt off her own back. My Daddy is in Florida for work until Thrs and Nana is going to stay with us and help us make it through. We love you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

We're Cousins.....


This is me with my cousin Connor.
I can't wait to be able to play with him! My Aunt Kris and Uncle Ben also have Avery (she is 2) and I'm sure the three of us will be together all
the time.

Trevor brought Cupid...

CIMG0427, originally uploaded by julchap.

For those of you who know these cats, you realize this looks very different from their usual behavior. Basically, my white cat Sebastian has annoyed Tica for 3 yrs (like a little brother, following her around and she occasionally reaches over and whacks him while hissing, etc). Since Trevor came home they have been inseparable (cuddling, licking, "talking," and walking next to each other). Any ideas about what this is all about? Do they think it is us humans vs. them now and that they'd better stick together? SO FUNNY!

My First Bath

CIMG0412, originally uploaded by julchap.

Today I had my first bath (well, a sponge bath anyway because of my belly button /cord situation). I loved the warm water and using my Fun Froggie Tub (it has a "sling" so I don't have to be submerged in the water). I was so cold after coming out that I had to get all bundled up!

The World Through a Different View

Trevor has discovered Flickr and it's awesome. The kid's a genius. Check out an entire album of the little guy by clicking on the picture.

Thanks Ben M for the Flickr Advice.

...Go Lucky

Trevor 061108 076, originally uploaded by julchap.

Happy and happy together at last.

More Pictures

Here are some of the first pictures of the little guy that we have gotten onto the computer and organized. As you can imagine it's hectic for two first time parents but he's helping us out a lot and showing us what to do. Hopefully we'll have some more pictures in the future and we'll find the right way to store them and share them, but until then this might be the best way to get it done.

One Post of Many

Trevor Edward Abendroth came into this world at 7:18pm EST on June 11th. He weighed in at a whopping 7 lbs, 3.8 oz and was 20.27 inches long. His mom and dad, Juliet and Jay, are so proud of him and can't wait to show him off to you.

Enjoy the blog!