Can I drive?

Can I drive?, originally uploaded by julchap.

I went on Grandpa Hap's boat today for the 1st time. I loved the loud sounds it made and the way it rocked in the water. My Mommy was a nervous wreck but I have faith in her that she will relax more next time (my life jacket was so bulky it was hard for her to figure out how to hold me and lay me down). Daddy had fun jumping off the boat doing funny tricks to make Mommy laugh and relax. Thanks G'ma and G'pa for putting up with us when I cry and Mommy stresses.

Inspired and touched

susan, originally uploaded by julchap.

FYI- This entry is obviously written from my (Juliet) point of view.....
Trevor and I went to see Nana's best friend Susan who is beating breast cancer. Although I don't quite have the words to describe how I feel when I see this pix, I will try. Susan smiles because she has the wisdom to know how to make the most of each day (I need to learn how to do this). Susan knows what really matters and what really does not (it does not matter that she has lost her hair; all that matters it that she is here to experience life). She can hold my baby and call it therapeutic; even if he is screaming at the top of his lungs. Susan seems to always be able to look on the bright side and see that there can be a positive outcome. Susan, you are an inspiration and we are lucky to have you in our lives. xoxoxo

A Pea at Sea

CIMG0516, originally uploaded by julchap.

I had my second trip to Skan on Sat. My Dad and Aunt Ella put me on these funny rafts and I think I kinda liked it...I wasn't even mad, it was amazing (ha joke). On Sunday we saw Ella ride a horse and jump 2 feet in the pouring rain. It was a fun weekend! - Trevor

Two tickets to the gun show

CIMG0530, originally uploaded by julchap.

Aqua Dad

Aqua Dad, originally uploaded by julchap.


CIMG0520, originally uploaded by julchap.

Professor Avery

f1, originally uploaded by julchap.

I'm already learning a lot from my older Cousin Avery. Today she told me about birds and colors.

Gramma and Me

Grama and Me, originally uploaded by julchap.

I went to Camp Ticawa in Maine to see my Abendroth Family. I met a lot of new people and had my first dip in Long Lake. The car ride was very long; it took 8 or 9 hrs b.c we had to stop a few times. I was very good in the car and slept most of the way. It sure was a lot of work for my parents to get all my stuff packed, but it was definitely worth the trip!
- Trevor

First dip in Long Lake

f4, originally uploaded by julchap.

This was my first "swim" in the lake at Ticawa. I was sound asleep when my Daddy dunked me in.

Cousin Connor and Me

f2, originally uploaded by julchap.

A pix from July 4th weekend.