Connor and Avery's group

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See how used to the chaos Connor is-- loving it. Trevor and I were in total shock....Toddlerville was a lot like "Crazy Town" :) ha ha ha

Connor and Avery's play group

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Avery and Connor invited me to their play group today. I was a bit overwhelmed by all of the people and noise (ok, my mom was) but it sure was a lot of entertainment. Thanks for always including us Aunt Kris! xo

As if this chair was not enough entertainment...I'm so spoiled!

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My new chair at Nana Beth's

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Then and Now

It's been over two years since this last aired.

You want me to do what?

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I'll figure it out eventually

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On Sat we went to Carousel Mall to walk around and look at Halloween Costumes (my theme, yes I have a theme, is elephants so I'm thinking Horton or Dumbo). Daddy could not resist walking into Best Buy (he does this pretty regularly....just goes and stares at em....must dull the urge some how-- ha ha). We also got to do a little shopping for me. We got some warmer jammies and ....wait for it..... a JUMPEROO! After shopping, we stopped in to help Happa and Gram A on some yard work. I was pretty cranky last night....I think I may be teething.

Can we get one Daddy?

Can we get one Daddy?, originally uploaded by julchap.

Aestetic overload

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I'm resting Sat AM after a long and busy week...I really slept around too (ha ha). I spent one night at G'pa Chapman's and another with Nana. I was also able to get together with some friends this week (Owen, Jack, and Garrick). Daddy finally got back last night and we had fun going to Aunt Kris's house for dinner. I love going over to Connor and Avery's house esp b/c they have so many fun toys (please see babiesrus and amazon registrys for my requests ...ha ha ha). The one thing I've used at other kid's houses that I love is the "Jumperoo." Well, we are off in search of Daddy's wallet (yep, he loses everything) and then we plan to run errands. xo -Trev

Busy Bee Aunt Ella

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Mommy and I spend a lot of time with Ella over the last few days. We picked her up from school and took her to dance, horse back, etc. We had a lot of fun waiting for Ella during her horse lesson! We walked around the farm and saw all kinds of animals and other cool farm stuff (we talked about the names of everything and the fun sounds you hear on a farm).

We are pretty damn cute!

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We walked around Green Lakes tonight...all three of us. We are so lucky to have this beautiful place right across the street! Daddy has to go to NJ for work Wed night and Thrs (day) but we will stay with Grandpa and Ella overnight I think. Also, Nana finally gets back from her trip late Wed night so we will see her Thrs PM-- we really missed her. Hope to see Aunt Kris, Uncle Ben, Avery, Connor, Grandma A, and Happa this week (maybe Fri PM?). Mommy went to the ENT AGAIN for another apt about her "dizziness".......brain scans normal (shocking) but other vestibular (etc) tests to come I guess. ENT wonders if the cat and dog allergy indicated on the blood tests plays a roll in all of this....hmmmm...that could be a problem given that we live above a Vet Hosp! xoxoxoxo -Trev

Daddy's work is never over (Lockheed calling.....)

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Story time with Owen

Every Tues afternoon we attend the story hour for kids my age at Manlius Library. My friend Owen and his mom Carey were there today. My friend Jack and his mom Jana also go sometimes. I love Miss Karen; she sings songs and reads stories to the group.

Happy Anniversary!

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Best Friends

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We went to NYC this past weekend to see friends and Aunt Mere. Fri night, when we finally arrived, Aunt Mere watched me (Trevor) at the hotel while my mom and dad went to KT's bday dinner. Sat AM we walked from Financial District (Wall St/ World Td Ctr area) over to The Seaport and met Ange for lunch. After eating, we walked up the East side along the water. We then walked West thru China Town (big mistake) and over to Little Italy. Uncle Tyler met up with us (he just happened to be in The City) for a few drinks at a bar in L. Italy. That area was like "Crazy Town" b/c they were having a big festival. Later that night, we had dinner w Mere at a great little place right in the middle of all the chaos. During dinner, there was a group of guys playing horns, etc., right next to our table (it was basically like being at The State Fair's midway, Soho, or Times Sq. on the busiest day .....but it sure was fun). We walked home from dinner too--- did not take any public transp'n-- and passed out when we got back to The Marriott. Sun AM we met Dani, KT, Bec, and Mere for brunch in Tribecca. It was a nice walk to and from brunch b/c we were able to walk along the water up the West Side and see all kinds of neat things. Thank you for such a fun weekend! We are lucky to have such wonderful friends.

Our walk from Seaport to Little Italy

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Our friend Ange

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A walk with Grandma Jean.

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Today we took a long walk around both lakes at Green Lakes. Later that day, Daddy took me for another walk:) I love being outside.

Avery and Jay made smores.

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Thanks Uncle Jay!

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Love you Aunt Kris! Feel better xo

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I am so big!

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I spent my first night in my crib last night (of course all of my little friends had to get out of my space first). I slept from about 9pm till 8am :)

R.I.P bassinet

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Peace out...I'm so over it (ha ha ha)

Jack and Owen

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Today we had a picnic in Owen's backyard. I spend time on a blanket in the yard with Jack and Owen. I also got to try out some of Owen's toys and Jack's fancy bottles. It was so nice of Carrie and Jana to invite us:)

Family Day

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It was fun to spend the weekend doing fun things with my parents. Today we took a long walk from The Canal all the way to Green Lakes:)

I'm 3 mos. old!!!!!!!!!!

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Today we went to Green Lakes and used my stroller to walk around both lakes. After walking, we sat on a bench and also dipped our feet into the water. The best part was the really.......we saw a lady sun-bathing nude right on the beach-- it was some party:)

Aunt Ella goes back to school

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This is the life

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My Aunties

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Da Bears

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Hey Cuz....

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Dinner at Turning Stone

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Blackjack anyone?

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We took Mommy to the Brazilian bbq restaurant at Turning Stone Casino on Sat to celebrate her bday with Aunt Mere, Nana, and Papa John. It was a lot of fun to be out in such an exciting place (so many people and neat things to see and hear). Turns out it was a good place to take me for my 1st dinner out b/c it is such a loud place that no one could hear me when I started to fuss. It was also great b/c when I started to really "whoop it up," someone could walk me around so I could explore. We also celebrated with Gpa Chapman, Ella, Mere, and Grandma Jean at Skan on Sunday (more pix of that to follow). Then on Mon., Mere left us to head back to The City and we went over to Happa and Grandma A's for a pool and dinner party.