On Sat we went over to see the Natural History museum in Washington, DC. It was very crowded as the weather was so lousy outside. After the museum, we had lunch and headed back to Baltimore to see G'pa Seeley. It was a nice trip and we saw many friends and family! We hope to close on our new house on Monday; keep your fingers crossed (we are waiting to hear about a time and location for the closing and starting to sweat a little).
1st hockey game
We took a trip down to DC this weekend and saw a hockey game. It was VERY loud and after being in the car for 7 hrs we were a little cranky. It helped to see the game and connect the loud noises to the things going on down below. We saw The Coutts (it was their box) and Tyler too. After the game, we made our way over to Bill's to spend the night.
Yes, can we help you?
I guess the boys wanted a little more privacy. It was all smiles until the camera came out and then they became a little shy about the nude photos I guess.
87 years old!
Great Gram Harrison turned 87 today and she came to see us:) We went to lunch at Red Robin and did a little shopping in Town Ctr. She looks pretty darn good huh-- and my own Nana ain't lookin' too shabby herself is she.
My boys
Trev, Jack, Owen, and Jake at The Swan Pond in Manlius. Today, after story hr at the library, we had a picnic lunch and walked aroud the pond. What a nice day it was. Winter seems to FINALLY be over.
Nice ducks?
Trev was not sure what to think about the ducks. Several of the ducks ganged up on one little duck and were attacking it. It is never too early to discuss bullying I guess :)
My new pack
Sunday was very special! Daddy had the wonderful idea of taking a picnic to Highland Forest and doing a little "hiking." The best part of all was Gram A and Nana came too (and Pickles of course). Daddy also got me this awesome pack to ride in as I've obviously out grown the baby carrier and my Graco stroller is not for off roading (he he).
Jake, Callie, and Lil's visit
Lil, my long lost friend from college, came for a visit this past weekend. She brought with her Jake and Callie; her two cute little kiddos. Thanks for the visit Lil!
A visit to NJ
While Jay worked, Trevor and I had to find things to do to keep busy. Luckily we were staying in the same area we had lived in when in NJ so I knew my way around. We went to several play spaces, a water park, visited a lot of old friends, and saw the kids and staff at VPF (where Juliet used to work).
My first order
We went down to NJ with Jay last week for one of his work seminars. On the way down, we stopped at Friendly's and ordered Trev his first "meal" (ok, it was snackie junk food but still, a milestone in our book...grilled cheese and fries).
First tooth and first house
Trevor got his first tooth last week-- very exciting (he has spent a lot of time gnawing on his fingers as shown here in the pix). Also, did you all hear we bought a home? We are LITERALLY movin' from the dog house to the pent house. We close on our new place in Manlius March 30th:) Thanks so much to G'pa Chapman for the apartment he fixed up so nicely and allowed us to live in rent free. The past yr has been all about family helping one another out and I hope we can be there when someone needs our help! xoxo
Lazer chase
Jay loves to play with this red lazer beam and make Sebastian and Trev chase it (Tica is not interested; she is way too cool).
Zoo Trip -Tiger on the loose!
Just kidding. Trev, Owen, and Jack were probably a little confused at why this tiger was on the other side of the glass.
It's fun to swim at the YMCA
I love swimming in the big pools at The Y! I'm working on blowing bubbles and putting my face in the water.
Aunt Mere took me to The Y
Aunt Mere took me to my swim class today (she was home for Lauren's wedding and, lucky us, got snowed in).