Jay and Trevor

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I know this is hard to see AND hard to believe. Jay did, however, manage to take Trev for a little stroll on the jet ski... he loved it.

Breakwater boys

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Trev and Connor playing down by the water.

Happy 3rd Bday Avery!

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We celebrated Avery's 3rd Bday at Camp Ticawa in Maine in Friday!

The routine

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This scene looks familiar...
Trevor eating and making a mess.
Sebastian pacing and whining b/c he wants to get outside.

Today is almost over...

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This pix is too funny. I watched my niece and nephew a while today and this kinda sums it up. Connor is so tolerant and Avery has to deal w both little boys (Connor and Trevor) being into all of her things. I love my family and I am so happy to be able to spend time w all of you. xoxo Kris, hang in there.

Cute little Abendroth boys

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Cousins Trev and Connor

In constant motion

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This boy is on the move most of the time! Getting this child to hold still to dress or be changed is a challenge-- he would prefer to be nude for sure. "Catch me if you can Mom."


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First BPG in our new house.

"Show me the monkey"

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Trev's receptive vocab has really taken off; he can id so many familiar toys and objs:) He is also able to walk across an entire room when he wants to but is still chosing to crawl a lot of the time (esp when all the fun toys are on the ground). Mr T continues to label many people and objects w approximations too...such a cutie and thriving. I will be 1 on June 11th!