Angel baby

IMG_0724, originally uploaded by julchap.

Cute pix from our day at Ryder Park w Owen and Isaac. Glad I got my act together and took some pix (now that I am working, I am not keeping up w the blog so well). Trevor is doing amazing and learns something new everyday. He attends Little Lukes Tue Wed and Thrs from 10-1 while I work (he loves it there).


IMG_0732, originally uploaded by julchap.

There is a butterfly on the rock in front of Trev's feet. I told him not to touch it, man was that hard to comply with. He was showing flying with his arms like Nana taught him.

Nature boys

IMG_0722, originally uploaded by julchap.


IMG_0719, originally uploaded by julchap.


IMG_0712, originally uploaded by julchap.

Playing ball with Owen

IMG_0701, originally uploaded by julchap.

Blueberry Bandit

IMG_0699, originally uploaded by julchap.