Feeding Daddy

IMG_0797, originally uploaded by julchap.

Jay is wonderful about feeding Trevor and I and getting our groceries. I have been sick since the end of August and not able to eat much at all, but he always trys to make something Trev and I can eat for dinner. I know it has taken a lot out of Jay and Nana to have had me sick for so long and I want to say thank you. I want to get feeling better soon so we can get back to having some fun. I am so lucky to be surrounded with love and support!

Laser tag w Sebastian

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Trev loves to hold the laser and make the cat chase the red dot around. He loves to give the cats treats too.

Ella's 1st time waterskiing

IMG_0759, originally uploaded by julchap.

Driving Miss Ella

IMG_0750, originally uploaded by julchap.

My little fish

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Thanks to Nana finding these awesome floaties, Trevor did a lot of actual swimming this summer. We had taken two semesters of swim lessons at the Y but he really took off this summer. We spent a lot of time in the water b/c Gram A has a pool, Nana has a lake at her house, we had a pass for Green Lakes (thanks to CHarile and Anne), visited J'ville Beach often, went to Grandpa's camp in Skan, and our camp in Maine of course.

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fish, originally uploaded by julchap.


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Trevor LOVES to drive Happa's boat. Connor made a great co-captain.

In town

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This is a pix from the day we drove the boat down into town for lunch and ice cream.

Swimming as usual

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Maddison and Isabelle are always in the water at camp to play with!

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stone, originally uploaded by julchap.

Day trip in Maine

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We hiked up a little ways and played in these little splash pools. Some of the rocks were like big slides that emptied into bigger pools. So fun!

Bfast at Lolo's

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So lucky to have Aunt Lolo always baking such yummy things!