Trev is quite the character these days! A few cute quotes, not to be forgotten....
Me :Trev, want to take a bath?
Trev: The opposite of bath is no bath (he seems to really "get" the concept of an opposite- hmmm).
Another funny one happened while reading in bed one AM. We were reading an ABC book and I tried to skip N b/c it was a dumb picture.
Trev says, "Mommy we missin' N, N is for Narwhale."
Whiteface Lodge
Nana and Papa took us to Whiteface Lodge this past weekend. It was a lovely hotel and, of course, a lot of beauty around it as well. We enjoyed the outdoor, heated pool so much-- esp Trev! The hike up Mt Joe was just right too! Thanks for the trip guys!
At the top
First big hike w Trevor. Hats off to Jay who carried the wiggle worm up some serious rocks! A lot of fun:)
Happy Bday Nana!
Puzzle man
Trev is really into puzzles these days. Needless to say, he needs a lot of help on these bigger ones but he does actually do them well. This crazy boy is almost 2 years old but acts as sharp as a 5+ sometimes. We love this little monkey.
All aboard!
Had a wonderful time at Ben and Tyla's wedding in Seattle! Jay was Best Man and did a great job. The reception was very unique as it was on a dinner cruise boat.
Easter at home
Daddy, I mean The Bunny, hid eggs all over the house and yard for Trev to find. Trev also got a basket with Little People trucks and movies. Last but not least, there was a BOB video hidden in the ball pit. This little boy had a lot of Easter! Trev's grandparents gave him baskets too. Lucky little guy!!!!
Go Cornell and Cuse!
Grandpa and Daddy had high hopes for their teams but neither one pulled off a win :( Then there is me, I'm just happy I got a cute photo of Trev out of it.
Winter hike in VT with Lolo and Andy
Went to see Aunt Lolo and Uncle Andy this weekend. BEAUTIFUL, sunny winter weather! We had a hike Sat am and then out to dinner Sat pm. On Sunday we went to Burlington and walked around. Totally worth the drive. Thanks so much for having us guys! xoxo
Just can't seem to escape from Bob
As many know, Trevor is OBSESSED w Bob the Builder. He loves the show and has a few of the figurines. I also made the mistake of showing him Bob music videos on you tube (which are actually very funny and cute the 1st 50 times). This week, I planned to go Bob-free to see if we could somehow lessen the obsession. All was well until we ran into life-size Bob and ride-on "Rolly" at the mall (Lord help me). Needless to say, he had to ride it twice and I had to peel him from it. We left the mall with him kicking and screaming (grrr). My little man is giving me a run for my money these days! I hope this phase ends soon :) Damn you Bob.
First Haircut!
Trev went to Little Miracles today for his 1st cut. It was such a cute place! They had firetrucks and airplanes as chairs as well as a TV at each station. We brought a Bob dvd (you know, the builder) and that kept him kinda still. They also had lolipops (kinda gross though b.c he was a slimy mess with hair sticking to everything- oh well). I did not realize it would be any big deal, but he really does look like a boy now (not a baby as much)....lump in throat.
Before the haircut...lookin' shaggy. Trev has curls but only the moment after bath; the rest of the time it is just messy. After being called a girl again....I felt ready to take him in.
My Valentine
My cute boy Jay gave me these flowers that seemed even more beautiful next to my other cute boy Trev. We had a nice time watching The Olympics together tonight. After baby to bed, Jay made me a wonderful meal, complete with 2 bottles of wine (no trouble slamming down the booze as you know:)
Texting fools
These two are always playing on some sort of hi-tech toy. Trev actually knows how to unlock Jay's Iphone- oh boy.