Playing in the jungle with Elmo

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Wild Woman

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The Dog Park

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A great place for Avery to burn off some of that energy!

I'm an elephant, can't you tell.

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We went to the Manlius Lib Storytime today..all of the kiddos wore their costumes-- so cute! The elephant hat did not last very long but it was so cute while it did.

Noone told JP there was singing and clapping involved-- he is ready to bolt ..ha ha ha

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Jana (green) Jackie (the pup) and JP

I swear I heard Owen tell me to"buzz off"

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Manlius Library friends

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Miss Karen is too fast to get a good pix of

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"I've gotta get this monkey off my back"

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Solomon and Faith

Today was Anthony and Miss Karen's Bday

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The Party!

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Jerkie (Jason) and Jay

Jules and Jerkie polish off The Dinosaur BBQ, Anchor Bar wings, and Pavone's Pizza...all in a day's work

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Beer Pong

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Dougie, Uncle Caleb, Uncle Travis at Happa's Bar

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Some things never some room for later Augustus

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Pimp Daddy

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Just wait till you're married

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Our pinch hitter

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Good thing we had 2 kegs

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Party On.. 99 bottles of beer down the hatch...ha ha

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Flip Cup on Aunt Betty's Table

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Aunt Lolo, Daddy (Jay), Uncle Andy

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Aunt Lolo's Cake

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Kyle, Ellen, Juliet (Mom), Uncle Caleb, Jason Jerkie Jerk

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Travis, Anna, Dan, Jess

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Amy, Dave, Jana, Avery

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Avery, Baby Owen, Carrey, JP, Baby Jack

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Zoo Boo

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Nana took me to Zoo Boo on Fri night. Zoo Boo is a big Halloween Party at Burnet Park Zoo and all the kids come wearing their costumes. They have all kinds of games, decorations, and other Halloween-themed entertainment. My two favorite types of decorations were the ones with lights and the big, inflated ones. I esp. enjoyed seeing the fish tanks in the "cave" exhibit! It sure became crowded quickly; I think every kid in the Syr area was there at one point. Thanks Nana!

Here we are looking at some of the decorations.

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Zoo Boo

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I was too overstimulated to smile- ha ha ha.

Onondaga Lake Parkway

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Thrs AM we went to The Pkwy for a walk w Aunt Kris and my cousins. It was pretty cold at first but we all warmed up when Mr. Sun poked through the clouds. This is Avery pushing Connor on the swings...can't wait till I can have a turn:)

Avery Grace leaf romp

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Connor Man

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Connor was an angel on our walk; his usual, happy-go-lucky self:)

All you need is love...

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Titled by Becky Harrison I believe.

These are my cousin Beth and Doug's kids -awww..can't wait to see them in person again-- so damn cute!

Our gift to Daddy.

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We made this collage for Daddy to hang in his new office. Aunt Kris, Lolo, Tal, and Gram A & Happa have a few more things for him but that will have to wait until G&H are back from Florida. We are also having a party for him on Sat night :)

ps- Gram A, Uncle Pickles is doing well and enjoying his stay here at The Ritz Paw-rlton. xoxoxoxo

Here Daddy...

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Here Dad, this is from me. I had a lot of fun looking at all of the cards in Rite Aid today. I esp loved the ones of real pix of animals.

A deer in headlights

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It is so hard to get a happy pix of me (Trev) b/c when I see that flashing camera come out, it puts me in a trance.


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We made dinner for Daddy's Bday at Nana's today. We also had a cake, as you can see, and I thought the candles were pretty cool.


Dinner party

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Last night Jack, Owen, and I hung out at The Schalk's. Jana and JP were so nice to host us; we had a great dinner and enjoyed the company so much. Carrey and Dave were there too of course:)

Gram Harrison and The Outlet Mall

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Ok, this is an old pix...forgot to get out my cam as usual. Sat AM went to Waterloo and had lunch with Gram Harrison, Aunt Nancy, Cousin Amy, and Nana Beth. We enjoyed walking along the sidewalks in the sunshine while others came in and out of stores. Gram H. did a great job walking around; anything for shopping I guess.

Dress Rehearsal

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They call me "Baggy" ha ha ha (remember that was what Baloo called one of the elephants in Jungle Book). Mom (Juliet) ,being the ultimate Jerry-rigger she is, pinned the back of the hat to the suit (stays in place perfectly now) and put loose hair bands around my ankles to keep the feet in place (we will use clear hair bands when in public of course - ha ha ha). This costume is great...I can even wear it again next year! Thanks Nana.

A trip to The Zoo

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Owen, Jack, and I (Trevor, of course) had a great time at the zoo! The animals were so active; their movement really caught my eye and kept me interested. For the first time ever, I saw: elephants, donkey, lions, birds (the coolest part was seeing a toucan or parrot be hand-fed right in front of me), and monkeys. I can't wait to go again. Maybe Avery and Connor will go to Zoo Boo with me (I can't wait to wear my elephant costume).

Friends at The Zoo

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Jana & Jack are on the left and Carrey & Owen on the right

Ready for The Zoo

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Yesterday I wore these coat (ehem...I mean bear suit) and boots for the first time on our walk at Green Lakes with AJ and Jackie. The weather was so nice and I was very happy to be outside!

Today we are supposed to go to Story Time at 11am and then to The Zoo after that with Owen and Jack. I wonder if they will still want to go in the rain? I'd prob enjoy a lot of the inside parts of the zoo like the fish tanks and monkeys. I will let ya know how it goes. Love, Trevor xoxoxo

Catch 'em while you can

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Grandparents...ya know....can't they sit still and relax a little more often. Esp Gram A and Happa, we catch them when we can b/c they sure are such busy guys lately with trips to Maine and Florida, etc. We all had dinner at their house on Tues night. Connor and I played on our tummies before dinner. I think I'm going to learn a lot by watching that Connor! After watching him roll all over the place, I've started to roll too. I also like to listen to him make sounds; I'm making a lot of the same sounds he is now (told ya I'd catch up guys- ha ha ha).

My first pair of shoes!

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I'm taking up running so I can be like my Aunt Lolo.

Check me out baby

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Mommy's friend Claire met me for the 1st time today!

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Claire brought me an awesome Baby Einstein DVD, (my mom says 10 min a day while she is in the shower won't rot my brain), animal book, and rattle. Thank you Claire:)

Auntie Mere Mere came home- yeah

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On Sat. Aunt Mere took me to Green Lakes for a walk. We also went out to dinner with Anne and Charlie later that day. The weather was beautiful and having Mere home made for such a special weekend! When I first saw her, I thought she was my mom:) The other piece of good news that happened this weekend is that my mom (Juliet) has had a break through in her mysterious dizzy head issue! To catch a few people up to speed, she has felt dizzy since mid August. She knew it was caused by some type of issue in the sinus or inner ear but just could not get a dx or a tx to help her. On Fri, Nana Beth sent her for acupuncture (despite her fear of needles-- she'll try anything for some relief) which released the blockage in her sinus ....yes, it really did! On Sat the therapeutic intervention continued with the neti pot, liquid echinasea, and a facial with lymphatic drainage. All day today (Sun) she has felt all of the crap that has been hanging out in her head draining and, subsequently, her ears unclogging and popping. This is so gross but it feels like I'm (ok, it is Juliet talking-- this is too hard to do in Trev's voice, not to mention ridiculous) swallowing golf ball size blobs of mucus-mmm. So anyway, I'm praying that this is in fact FINALLY the road to recovey from the foggy headedness I've been experiencing. PS.....Eastern medicine and alternative/ engergetic tx's ARE AMAZING and have done more for me in two days than any Dr has done for me in 3 years. Reiki is awesome too! Happa, we are definitely taking you to the local Voodoo lady (ha ha ha).