Auntie Mere Mere came home- yeah

CIMG0934, originally uploaded by julchap.

On Sat. Aunt Mere took me to Green Lakes for a walk. We also went out to dinner with Anne and Charlie later that day. The weather was beautiful and having Mere home made for such a special weekend! When I first saw her, I thought she was my mom:) The other piece of good news that happened this weekend is that my mom (Juliet) has had a break through in her mysterious dizzy head issue! To catch a few people up to speed, she has felt dizzy since mid August. She knew it was caused by some type of issue in the sinus or inner ear but just could not get a dx or a tx to help her. On Fri, Nana Beth sent her for acupuncture (despite her fear of needles-- she'll try anything for some relief) which released the blockage in her sinus ....yes, it really did! On Sat the therapeutic intervention continued with the neti pot, liquid echinasea, and a facial with lymphatic drainage. All day today (Sun) she has felt all of the crap that has been hanging out in her head draining and, subsequently, her ears unclogging and popping. This is so gross but it feels like I'm (ok, it is Juliet talking-- this is too hard to do in Trev's voice, not to mention ridiculous) swallowing golf ball size blobs of mucus-mmm. So anyway, I'm praying that this is in fact FINALLY the road to recovey from the foggy headedness I've been experiencing. PS.....Eastern medicine and alternative/ engergetic tx's ARE AMAZING and have done more for me in two days than any Dr has done for me in 3 years. Reiki is awesome too! Happa, we are definitely taking you to the local Voodoo lady (ha ha ha).

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