Strollin' in my side car?

CIMG1182, originally uploaded by julchap.

I got to ride on the back of Connor and Avery's sweet ride. This stroller is amazing-- it even has a place that Connor could lie down when he was an infant (Avery used to ride in front and Connor's sling-thing hung behind her chair-- the seat Trev is in comes on and off). Hope Daddy and Santa are listening -he he he--it is a Phil and Ted stroller.

We rolled around the inner harbor area after seeing the aquarium and had lunch on the water. Mommy and Aunt Kris wanted crab cakes so we went to a special seafood rest. It was such a fun day!

Sat evening we had a get together at Grandpa Seeley's ; Shirley worked so hard to host all of us (is she really as old as she says she is-- she seriously has the energy of a teenager). Aunt Nora, Aunt Ellen, Uncle Bruce, and Aunt Michelle came over to have dinner with us. We got to see Uncle Brad for a moment Sun AM as we rushed off to see the Coutts.

Thanks for driving us down Uncle Ben! We had a great weekend.

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