Simply the best. Always, Happy xoxo

Hap, Dad, Happa...
You are finally at peace. Your courage and strength has been a true life lesson to all. Go and play now Happy; you've fought and worked so hard. We will see you in all that is positive and beautiful. xoxoxoxox We love you!xoxoxoxoox

Good growing Trev!

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I am doing so much "good growing" these days! I continue to be a little busy-body; constantly rolling, kicking, jumping, etc. Although I am not crawling in the traditional fashion yet, I am pretty darn good at getting at what I want using a combo of what looks like a commando-crawl and side-stroke. I am taking swim lessions at The Y and LOVE it (as long as that creepy, purple ball doesn't come near me-- no idea why that scares me so much). We sometimes do a "Stroller Fit" class at The Y too. We continue to go to the Manlius Lib every week for story hour-- this is one of my fav things! We also attend our babies play group every week at a diff't person's house. I sleep very well at night between AROUND 830pm and 7am. My AM nap is consistently at 10am, however, I do not like to take an afternoon nap if I can help it. I love to get together with my cousin Connor and hang out on the floor. I visit all of my grandparent's houses often. I have a wonderful little life xoxo

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Le Ben opened again for another wild night with Bobby and Katie. Lord help us.

I still have rug burn

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The helmet makes you look so...

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oh I don't know....intelligent-- good thinking to protect whatever is left up there in that head of yours.

Comic relief

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Um, yeah...I'm wearing a Bumbo on my head. I think it goes without saying that we all needed a little time to just be silly and act like total idiots. I know I did.

What is it with boys and pain?

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Whenever Bobby is in town, it seems especially funny to find ways to torture one another and cause as much pain as possible. On this particular occasion it seemed hilarious to pull up your shirt and get small plastic balls thrown at you. The welts looked like the ones you get from playing paint-ball.

Bengelina plays with balls in a boa

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I think we could have told Ben to do just about anything at that point.

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It was so fun to see Ben's funny side come out!

Disney Ice Show

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On Sunday, Mommy and Dadddy took me to the Disney Ice Show. There were so many things to look at! It was my first time seeing a big crowd of people. I liked seeing the people clap, dance, and sing (they also had these cool light-up toys....we had to resist buying one as they were priced Disney-style at $12-20 a piece). Overall I did very well sitting on Daddy's lap and watching-- I did get a little antsy toward the very end of the show. The best part was when they sang the, "Mickey Mouse" song b/c I recog'd it and thought that was pretty neat. When I am at Nana's, I like to look at Mommy's Mickey Mouse pillow case from when she was little (we always sing that song while we look at the characters).

Lights on the Lake

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We went to see the lights at O.L. Pkwy with Nana. It was a lot of fun to sit up front with Daddy and look out the windows!

Blinded by the light

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I think Avery is Jay's long-lost, soul/ playmate and, sadly, they think the same things are funny. The other night, Uncle Jay taught Avery to stare into the camera flash repeatedly, bonk heads....."harder", burp, and just to act like a little monkey in general. I guess everyone has that crazy uncle, right? The scary thing is that Jay will be the Daddy teaching my son all of these tricks. Last night he came home with a me Lord. I now live above a dog kennel and have a horn-playing husband. Needless to say, Trevor thought this was all very funny. Thank goodness Jay keeps us smilin'................

Connor Man, caught in the act

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Connor thought about crawling when he smelled the wings come out of the kitchen; wings can motivate anyone to do anything

Great Gram

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Great Gramps

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Feed me!

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We rigged up a chair in order to eat at the table!

Happy New Year!

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"Bobby Jay"

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Daddy continues to impress with his Bobby Flay recipes and New Yrs was no exception. Thx for the grub Dad!

Bring on the pigs in blankets!

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I can feel the meet sweats coming on already.

New Yrs app cook-off

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aka, "Pork Fest"

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We tried to sled was very cold and windy so I was not too happy about this outing!

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Aunt Tal and Adam

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Avery loves her little ponies!

Me with Happa and Gram A

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Cancer sucks!

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Happa finally got the tee he wanted.

Cute one of Aunt Kris and her little Santa.

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Hard to get a good pix of Avery though as she is rarely still.


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We are always hot! Mommy and I are always half-dressed b/c of spit-up and poop on clothes and being such busy-bodies.

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We both have red cheeks all the time. I think the hat is all I need anyway; you dont' need to over do it when making fashion statements.

Keep opening!

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It was the only box we could find.

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Don't is not what you are thinking guys.

Santa obviously came to Happa's!

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What is that all about again?

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Talbot and Adam gave Kris this weird thing and I forget what it was all about....all I know is I'm jealous.